欢迎你来到这里!这里是由一群热爱Minecraft的玩家和开发者组成的团队!Welcome here! This is a team composed of Minecraft players and developers!
We have many project categories, such as website source code, server-side plugins, plugin configuration, and so on.
Hi世界Minecraft团队由HiTech0926在2022年8月6日创建,是一个技术性组织。The Hi World Minecraft team was created by HiTech0926 on August 6, 2022, and is a technical organization.
我们目前有以下职位可供申请:序号 | 职位 | 需求 |
1 | 策划 | 策划Minecraft玩法、副本剧情、称号等级类名称等等 |
2 | 技术 | 熟练掌握Minecraft服务端各种配置、基础插件、会编写插件 |
3 | 宣传 | 有宣传Minecraft服务器或资源的经验端、有宣传途径(如粉丝、浏览量等) |
Number | Position | Requirement |
1 | Planning | Planning Minecraft gameplay, dungeon storyline, title level category names, etc |
2 | Technical | Proficient in various configurations of Minecraft server, basic plugins, and proficient in writing plugins |
3 | Promotion | Experience in promoting Minecraft servers or resources, with promotional channels (such as fans, views, etc.) |
QQ: 2025138508
Email: [email protected]
BiliBili: HiTech0926
Discord: HiTech0926#0000
Telegram: @hitech0926